Your Comprehensive Guide to Essential Oils

For thousands of years, essential oils have been used worldwide for their therapeutic and aromatic properties. Ancient medicine had its roots in essential oils, and they're still used to this day in alternative medicine. The main ways that essential oils are used are to:

  • Help boost mood
  • Reduce stress and anxiety, and increase a sense of calm
  • Mix with carrier oils for relaxing aromatherapy massages
  • Help with insomnia and improve sleep quality
  • Improve concentration, attentiveness, and job performance
  • Kill bacteria, funguses and viruses
  • Reduce inflammation and pain
  • Reduce nausea
  • Relieve headaches
  • Work as pesticides 

The term essential oil comes from the fact that the oil contains the essence of a plant's fragrance, not that they're deemed essential to the human body. The oils are extracted from the plants, generally by distillation (often by  using steam), but also through ways such as expression, solvent extraction, and cold pressing. 

You will find essential oils in everyday items such as perfumes, cosmetics, hair and body products, air fresheners, household cleaning products, food and drink flavouring, and home fragrances. 

The 10ml bottles of Ancient Wisdom essential oils found at The House of Eden are mainly used for aromatherapy and alternative medicine. Below, we'll outline the core properties of the ones we stock. 

It's important to note that because the essential oils are the pure, undiluted (unless specified) essence of the plant, they are highly concentrated and should be used with caution. Improper use of essential oils can cause allergic reactions, skin irritation, inflammation, and toxicity, so it's important to always use with care and to keep away from children. Some may even be poisonous if ingested or absorbed through the skin. Having said that, essential oils are some of nature's finest offerings with wonderful therapeutic and aromatic properties. 

Always remember to dilute any essential oils in a base oil if using on the skin - a patch test is always recommended!


Bergamot (FCF)

Experience the calming effects of Bergamot (FCF) essential oil! It is extracted by expression from the ripe as well as unripe fruits of the bergamot orange tree. This essential oil that smells citrus-like yet sweet, is great for creating a relaxed and happy feeling. Discover the incredible benefits of Bergamot essential oil in oil in diffusers, massages, and soothing baths.

Bergamot oil has been used in Italian folk medicine for many years, primarily for fever, malaria, and worms. It is known to have a wide spectrum of applications, including for mouth, skin, respiratory, and urinary tract infections. 

Its actions include analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic (pulmonary, genito-urinary), antispasmodic, antitoxic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, deodorant, febrifuge, laxative, parasiticide, stimulant, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge, and vulnerary.

Skin care: Acne, boils, cold sores, eczema, insect repellent and insect bites, oily complexion, psoriasis, scabies, spots, varicose veins, and wounds.
Respiratory system: Halitosis, mouth infections, sore throat, and tonsillitis.
Digestive system: Flatulence and loss of appetite.
Genito-urinary system: Cystitis, leucorrhoea, pruritis, and thrush.
Immune system: Colds, fever, flu, and infectious diseases.
Nervous systems: Anxiety, depression, stress-related conditions, and having a refreshing and uplifting quality. 

SAFETY: Certain furocoumarins, notably bergapten, have been found to be phototoxic on human skin. This means they cause sensitisation and skin pigmentation when exposed to direct sunlight. Extreme care must be taken when using the oil in dermal applications. Otherwise, non-toxic and non-irritant. 



Chamomile Roman (D)

The Chamomile essential oil available at The House of Eden is a 5% dilution in grapeseed oil

Unwind and de-stress with Chamomile Roman (D) essential oil. Roman Chamomile yields an essential oil that is light blue when fresh. It can be extracted from the flower and the upper parts of the plant. It has excellent calming properties, Roman Chamomile is an evergreen with a fresh apple smell.

This oil is good to use in a diffuser, it is believed to calm headaches, and migraines.

Roman Chamomile has been used in Europe, in particular the Mediterranean region, for over 2,000 years. It was employed by the ancient Egyptians and the Moors, and it was one of the Saxons' nine sacred herbs (then known as Maythen). It was also known as the 'plant's physician' as it promoted the health of nearby plants. 

Its actions include: Analgesic, anti-anaemic, antineuralgic, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, digestive, febrifuge, hepatic, hypnotic, nerve sedative, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vermifuge, and vulnerary.

Skin care: Acne, allergies, boils, burns, cuts, chilblains, dermatitis, earache, eczema, hair care, inflammations, insect bites, rashes, sensitive skin, teething pain, toothache, and wounds. 
Circulation, muscles and joints: Arthritis, inflamed joints, muscular pain, neuralgia, rheumatism, and sprains.
Digestive system: Dyspepsia, colic, indigestion, and nausea.
Genito-urinary system: Dysmenorrhoea, menopausal problems, and menorrhagia.
Nervous system: Headache, insomnia, nervous tension, migraine, and stress-related complaints.

SAFETY: Can cause dermatitis in some individuals.




The Citronella essential oil found at The House of Eden is steam-distilled from the leaves and stems of the Cymbopogon species of plants. Citronella oil is famous as a plant-based insect repellent but it also has many other uses for use on your body and around the home. 

Citronella's actions include as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, deodorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, insecticide, stomachic, tonic, and vermifuge. 

Skin care: Excessive perspiration, oily skin, and insect repellent. 
Immune system: Colds, flu, and minor infections. 
Nervous system: Fatigue, headaches, migraine, and neuralgia. 

SAFETY: May cause dermatitis in some individuals. Avoid use during pregnancy. 



Clary Sage

Experience the enchanting power of Clary Sage essential oil! Clary Sage has abilities that induce feelings of relaxation, clarity, and calmness while alleviating dizziness, anxiety, and irritability. It is also known to stimulate libido in both men and women.

Clary Sage essential oil has earned the nickname 'The Woman’s Oil' due to its benefits for women’s health, especially in relation to menstruation and menopause. It is also used to calm and soothe the skin. It is said to promote healthy-looking hair and scalp.

In the Middle Ages, Clary Sage was used for digestive disorders, kidney disease, uterine and menstrual complaints, cleansing ulcers, and as a general nerve tonic. Like garden sage, it cools inflammation and is good for throat and respiratory infections. 

Clary Sage's actions are as an anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, digestive, hypotensive, nervine, sedative, stomachic, tonic, and uterine. 

Skin care: Acne, boils, dandruff, hair loss, inflamed conditions, oily skin and hair, ophthalmia, ulcers, and wrinkles.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Hight blood pressure, muscular aches and pains.
Respiratory system: Asthma, throat infections, whooping cough.
Digestive system: Colic, cramp, dyspepsia, flatulence.
Genito-urinary system: Amenorrhoea, labour pain, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea.
Nervous system: Depression, frigidity, impotence, migraine, nervous tension, and stress-related disorders.

SAFETY: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitising. Avoid during pregnancy. Do not use Clary Sage oil while drinking alcohol as it can induce a narcotic effect and exaggerate drunkenness. 





This Cypress essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the Mediterranean Cypress trees. The oil is taken from the needles and twigs of young branches of these trees, made famous by the paintings of Van Gogh. Cypress essential oil is said to calm strong emotions like anger and is therefore useful to have during major changes in one's life.

In ancient civilisations, it was highly valued as a medicine and as an incense. It is still used as a purification incense by the Tibetans. 

Cypress essential oil actions include an antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, deodorant, diuretic, hepatic, styptic, sudorific, tonic, and vasoconstrictive. 

Skin care: Haemorrhoids, oily and overhydrated skin, excessive perspiration, insect repellent, pyorrhoea, varicose veins, and wounds. 
Circulation, muscles and joints: Cellulitis, muscular cramp, oedema, poor circulation, and rheumatism.
Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, and spasmodic coughing.
Genito-urinary system: Dysmenorrhoea, menopausal problems, and menorrhagia.
Nervous system: Nervous tension and stress-related conditions. 




Eucalyptus essential oil is a concentrated liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from the Eucalyptus Globulus tree. It is a traditional household remedy in Australia, especially for respiratory ailments. 

Eucalyptus essential oil acts as an analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, hypoglycaemic, parasiticide, stimulant, and vermifuge. It has been used to relieve coughs, colds, and other such respiratory troubles. It is believed to ease muscle and joint pains, and helps to heal wounds, burns, ulcers and insect bites. In aromatherapy eucalyptus is said to promote activity, vitality, and energy.

Self-care: Burns, blisters, cuts, herpes, insect bites, insect repellent, lice, skin infections, and wounds.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, etc. 
Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sinusitis, and throat infections.
Genito-urinary system: Cystitis and leucorrhoea. 
Immune system: Chickenpox, colds, epidemics, flu, and measles.
Nervous system: Debility, headaches, and neuralgia.

Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to prepare inhalations for colds. Add a few drops to your bath water to feel invigorated and refreshed. A few drops of oil in a diffuser is said to kill germs and airborne bacteria.

SAFETY: Eucalyptus essential oil is for external use only. When taken internally, eucalyptus oil is toxic and as little as 3.5ml can be fatal. 




Explore the Delights of Geranium essential oil. It is steam distilled from the leaves and stalks of the plant Pelargonium Odoratissimum (apple geranium). It has a strong smell with a floral aroma, and hints of mint and apple. The main feature of this oil is its ability to balance and uplift, and it is used to do both on the mind and body, to ease a host of ailments.

Not to be confused with Rose Geranium (although they contain many similar properties), Geranium has been used for conditions such as dysentery, haemorrhoids, inflammations, metrorrhagia, and menorrhagia. 

Geranium's actions include as an antidepressant, antihemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, cicatrisant, deodorant, diuretic, fungicidal, haemostatic, stimulant (adrenal cortex), styptic, tonic, vermifuge, and vulnerary.

Skin care: Acne, bruises broken capillaries, burns, congested skin, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, haemorrhoids, lice, oily complexion, mature skin, mosquito repellent, ringworm, ulcers, and wounds.  
Circulation, muscles and joints: Cellulitis, engorgement of breasts, oedema, and poor circulation.
Respiratory system: Sore throat and tonsillitis.
Genito-urinary and endocrine systems: Adrenocortical glands, menopausal problems, and PMT.
Nervous system: Nervous tension, neuralgia, and stress-related conditions.

SAFETY: Generally non-sensitising, possible contact dermatitis in hypersensitive individuals.




This Grapefruit essential oil is sourced from the peel of the Citrus Paradisi fruit. It is believed that its tangy scent can help lift your mood and offer a variety of benefits. Inhaling the aroma of grapefruit essential oil using a diffuser is said to reduce stress, increase energy and enhance mood. It shares the nutritional qualities of other citrus species, therefore is high in Vitamin C and valuable protection against infectious diseases. 

Its actions are antiseptic, antitoxic, astringent, bactericidal, diuretic, depurative, stimulant (lymphatic and digestive), and tonic.

Skin care: Acene, congested and oily skin, promotes hair growth, and tones the skin tissues.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Cellulitis, exercise preparation, muscle fatigue, obesity, stiffness, and water retention. 
Immune system: Chills, colds, and flu. 
Nervous system: Depression, headaches, nervous exhaustion, and performance stress. 

SAFETY: Grapefruit essential oil has a short shelf life as it oxidises quickly. 



Jasmine Dilute

The Jasmine essential oil available at The House of Eden is a 5% dilution in Grapeseed oil.

Jasmine Dilute essential oil is used in healing and religious ceremonies because of its compelling quality. In China, jasmine oil was used in sick rooms to make the air fragrant, but it was also thought to clear the air of pollutants even before the discovery of bacteria.

Today, the essence is produced through a process called solvent extraction. At first glance, jasmine is all about scent. Its complex, floral energy could be a mood-lifter for most people and provide aphrodisiac qualities. It produces feelings of optimism, confidence, and euphoria. In a therapeutic sense, jasmine is said to treat dry, aging skin. Additionally, jasmine is believed to relieve anger, anxiety, and stress. 

Its actions are analgesic (mild), antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, expectorant, parturient, sedative, and tonic (uterine). 

Skin care: Dry, greasy, irritated, and sensitive skin. 
Circulation, muscles and joints: Muscular spasms and sprains.
Respiratory system: Catarrh, coughs, hoarseness, and laryngitis.
Genito-urinary system: Dysmenorrhoea, frigidity, labour pains, and uterine disorders.
Nervous system: Depression, nervous exhaustion, and stress-related conditions

SAFETY: Although Jasmine is non-toxic, non-irritant, and generally non-sensitising, allergic reactions have been known to occur in some individuals. 



Lavender is probably the most popular and world-renowned essential oil that has been used and cherished for centuries. It has an unmistakable aroma and a myriad of benefits. It is generally regarded as the most versatile therapeutic essential oil. In ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender plants for bathing, relaxation, cooking, and as a perfume. It was used to 'comfort the stomach', as an insect repellent, and as a soothing oil. Due to Lavender’s versatile properties, it is considered the must-have oil to have on hand at all times.

Skin care: can help with abscesses, acne, allergies, athlete's foot, boils, bruises, burns, dandruff, dermatitis, earache, eczema, inflammations, insect bites and stings, insect repellent, lice, psoriasis, ringworm, scabies, sores, spots, all skin types, sunburn, and wounds
Circulation, muscles and joints: lumbago, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, and sprains
Respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, halitosis, laryngitis, throat infections, and whooping cough
Digestive system: abdominal cramps, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, and nausea
Genito-urinary system: cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, and leucorrhoea 
Immune system: flu
Nervous system: depression, headache, hypertension, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension and stress-related conditions, PMT, sciatica, shock, and vertigo

Directions for use:
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser of your choice.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with a base oil, like coconut or almond oil, to minimise any skin sensitivity. Always perform a patch test.
For the home: Add a few drops to pillows or bedding at bedtime.
Freshen your linen closet, mattress, car, or the air by combining a few drops with water in a spray bottle.

SAFETY: Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.




Lemon essential oil has a sharp, fresh smell and is extracted from the fresh lemon fruit peel by cold expression. Lemon essential oil is used to refresh the mind and sharpen concentration, so it is often preferred in room fresheners for offices and banks. It is believed to help with rheumatism, arthritis, and gout.

When used in an oil burner (a few drops in water), the vapours of lemon oil can be used for colds, laryngitis, headaches, and flu. Inhaling the aroma is said to be helpful for mental hiccups like depression, irritation, stress, lethargy, and fatigue. When a few drops are added to the bath or when blended into a massage oil, it is said to relieve lack of energy and tiredness. It can also help get rid of hangovers.

Its actions are anti-anaemic, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antisclerotic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, cicatrisant, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, haemostatic, hypotensive, insecticidal, rubefacient, stimulates white corpuscles, tonic, and vermifuge. 

Skin care: Acne, anaemia, brittle nails, boils, chilblains, corns, cuts, greasy skin, herpes, insect bites, mouth ulcers, spots, varicose veins, and warts.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Arthritis, cellulitis, high blood pressure, nosebleeds, obesity (congestion), poor circulation, and rheumatism. 
Respiratory system: Asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, and catarrh.
Digestive system: Dyspepsia.
Immune system: Colds, flu, fever, and infections. 

SAFETY: Non-toxic. May cause dermal irritation or sensitisation reactions in some individuals - apply in moderation. Phototoxic - do not use on skin exposed to direct sunlight. 





This Lemongrass essential oil is extracted from Cymbopogon Citratus, also known as 'oil grass', from the fresh or partly-dried leaves by steam distillation. This oil is said to fight fatigue, and help refresh a tired body and mind.

Lemongrass oil is believed to relieve jet lag, headaches, nervous exhaustion, and stress. It can irritate the skin, however, so care must be taken when used on skin, with a carrier oil being used. Avoid use during pregnancy.

Its actions are as an analgesic, antidepressant, antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, antipyretic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, febrifuge, fungicidal, insecticidal, nervine, sedative (nervous), and tonic. 

Skin care: Acne, athlete's foot, excessive perspiration, insect repellent (fleas, lice, ticks), open pores, pediculosis, scabies, and tissue toner.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Muscular pain, poor circulation and muscle tone, and slack tissue.
Digestive system: Colitis, indigestion, and gastroenteritis.
Immune system: Fevers and infectious disease.
Nervous system: Headaches, nervous exhaustion, and stress-related conditions. 

SAFETY: Non-toxic. Possible dermal irritation and/or sensitisation in some individuals. Use with care. 




Used in aromatherapy, Orange essential oil’s pleasant scent has a cheerful and uplifting, yet simultaneously relaxing and calming effect. It is said that orange oil can create a warm environment. Applied in a massage, Orange essential oil is known to increase blood flow. Harness the benefits of increased blood flow with a soothing massage. 

Orange is a very nutritious fruit, containing vitamins A, B and C. In Chinese medicine, orange is used to treat coughs, colds, anorexia, and malignant breast sores. 

Its actions are as an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, carminative, choleretic, digestive, fungicidal, hypotensive, sedative (nervous), stimulant (digestive and lymphatic), stomachic, and tonic.

Skin care: Dull and oily complexions, and mouth ulcers, 
Circulation, muscles and joints: Obesity, palpitations, and water retention.
Respiratory system: Bronchitis and chills.
Digestive system: Constipation, dyspepsia, and spasms.
Immune system: Colds and flu.
Nervous system: Nervous tension and stress-related conditions. 

SAFETY: Generally non-sensitising although limonene has been found to cause dermatitis in a few individuals. Distilled orange oil is phototoxic, so don't use on the skin if there is danger of exposure to sunlight. Expressed sweet orange oil is not phototoxic, however. 




Patchouli oil is extracted from the young leaves, which are dried and fermented before steam distillation. This oil improves its fragrance and power with age. It is much valued in skin care, especially in scar healing.

Patchouli oil has a balancing effect on the emotions and creates an amorous atmosphere. When used in an oil burner, it eases anxiety and depression. Used in bath water, it helps skin and scalp complaints, fungal infections, fluid retention, breaks down cellulite and eases constipation. It has excellent tissue regenerating properties, speeds up healing and fights infections. Thus, it is said to help with acne, eczema, weeping sores, ulcers, and athlete's foot.

In Europe and America, patchouli oil and incense were immensely popular in the 1960s and 70s among the hippies, since the smell of patchouli covered body odour and the smell of burnt cannabis. Patchouli was used as a hair conditioner for dreadlocks. In many Asian countries, patchouli is also used as an antidote to snakebites. 

Its actions include an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-emetic, antimicrobial, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antitoxic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, nervine, prophylactic, stimulant (nervous), stomachic, tonic. 

Skin care: Acne, athlete's foot, cracked and chapped skin, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema (weeping), fungal infections, hair care, impetigo, insect repellent, sores, oily hair and skin, open pores, wounds, and wrinkles.
Nervous system: Frigidity, nervous exhaustion, and stress-related complaints.




Peppermint essential oil is good for ailments like asthma, colic, fever, flatulence, headache, nausea, chest congestion, and vertigo. This oil is excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing and stimulating with its menthol content. It is good for the skin and is used in lotions to treat sunburn, itchiness or inflamed skin. When used in an oil burner it is not only therapeutic. but also keeps away mosquitoes and other insects.

Peppermint is native to the Mediterranean but is now grown in other countries in Europe, America, and Asia. Discoveries prove that peppermint has been used since ancient times in Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and Japan. According to Greek myth, a nymph called Mentha was turned, in a fit of anger, into a mint plant by her lover's wife Persephone. According to Pliny, peppermint was used to crown the Greeks and Romans during feasts.

Its actions are: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, cordial, expectorant, febrifuge, hepatic, nervine, stomachic, sudorific, and vasoconstrictor.

Skin care: Acne, dermatitis, ringworm, scabies, and toothache.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Neuralgia, muscular pain, and palpitations.
Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, halitosis, sinusitis, and spasmodic cough.
Digestive system: Colic, cramp, dyspepsia, flatulence, and nausea.
Immune system: Colds, flu and fevers.

SAFETY: Non-irritant (except in concentration), possible sensitisation due to menthol. Use in moderation.




Petitgrain essential oil is derived from the bitter orange tree. At one time, the oil used to be extracted from green, unripe oranges when they were still the size of a cherry. This is why it's known as petitgrains, translated as 'little grains'. Historically, Petitgrain essential oil has been used for cleaning purposes. Petitgrain is widely used in the perfume industry, giving body sprays, fragrances, lotions, and colognes a fresh, herbaceous note that is popular among both women and men.

Petitgrain oil possesses an aroma that is sweet, yet tart with subtle floral and woody characteristics. It blends especially well with citrus, floral and wood oils.

Its actions are as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, deodorant, digestive, nervine, stimulant (digestive and nervous), stomachic, and tonic.

Skin care: Acne, excessive perspiration, greasy skin, and hair toning. 
Digestive system: Dyspepsia and flatulence. 
Nervous system: Convalescence, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, and stress-related conditions. 



Rose Dilute 

This Rose Dilute essential oil is 5% dilution in Grapeseed oil. 

Rose essential oil is more than just a pretty, floral scent. It has several therapeutic properties that makes it amazing in skincare products. The healing virtues of the rose have been known for centuries. Up to the Middle Ages, roses have played an essential part in the materia medica, and still play an important role in Eastern medicine. 

The many actions of Rose are antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-tubercular agent, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, choleretic, cicitrisant, depurative, emmenagogue, haemostatic, hepatic, laxative, regulator of appetite, sedative (nervous), stomachic, and tonic (heart, liver, stomach, and uterus). 

Skin care: Broken capillaries, conjunctivitis (rose water), dry skin, eczema, herpes, mature and sensitive complexions, and wrinkles.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Palpitations and poor circulation.
Respiratory system: Asthma, coughs, and hay fever. 
Digestive system: Cholecystitis, liver congestion, and nausea.
Genito-urinary system: Irregular menstruation, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, and uterine disorders.
Nervous system: Depression, impotence, insomnia, frigidity, headache, nervous tension, and stress-related complaints. 




Rosemary essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering tips of the plant. The smell of rosemary essential oil is woody and herbal and is used in aromatherapy to refresh and stimulate the mind. It is one of the earliest plants to be used for food, medicine, and magic, being regarded as sacred in many civilizations. Sprigs of rosemary were burnt at shrines in Ancient Greece, fumigations were used in the Middle Ages to drive away evil spirits, and to protect against the plague and infectious diseases. 

This essential oil is used to treat a wide range of ailments, including wounds, burns, colds, flu, fatigue, digestive troubles, headaches, asthma, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, liver and gall bladder problems, water retention, and poor circulation. For a massage, rosemary oil is often mixed with a base oil or two like almond, apricot kernel or hazelnut oil. Never use this oil internally, and avoid it if you're pregnant or suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy.

Skin care: Acne, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, greasy hair, insect repellent, promotes hair growth, regulates seborrhoea, scabies, stimulates scalp, lice, and varicose veins.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Arteriosclerosis, fluid retention, gout, muscular pain, palpitations, poor circulation, and rheumatism. 
Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough.
Digestive system: Colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, hepatic disorders, hypercholesterolaemia, and jaundice.
Genito-urinary: Dysmenorrhoea and leucorrhoea.
Immune system: Colds, flu, and infections.
Nervous system: Debility, headaches, hypotension, neuralgia, mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion, and stress-related disorders. 

SAFETY: Non-toxic, non-irritant (in dilution only), non-sensitising. Avoid during pregnancy. Not to be used by epileptics.



Sandalwood Amayris

Amyris essential oil is also called West Indian Sandalwood oil because its odour is reminiscent of Sandalwood. Please note, however, that this is not the traditional Sandalwood essential oil. It is obtained by steam distillation from the bark and branches of the Amyris Balsamifera tree. Because of its high oil content, this wood burns by itself, like a candle, and is hence called candle wood by the local population. It is a less expensive alternate to pure sandalwood.

It is antiseptic, balsamic, and a sedative.

As Amyris Sandalwood doesn't bear the same healing properties as true Sandalwood, this oil is best used as a calming, relaxing fragrance in baths, diffusers and oil burners or used in perfumes and cosmetics. 



Tea Tree

The Tea Tree name derives from when the Australian Aboriginals used to prepare herbal tea from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree. Tea Tree essential oil is a concentrated liquid compound steam distilled from the leaves of this tree, which is native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. The oil is claimed to have valuable antiseptic and anti-fungal properties due to constituents called terpenoids, and is used in many personal care products and medicines today.

Tea tree oil is said to be good for relieving colds, coughs and flu, and is perfect for preparing inhalations with water. It is also a component of many products used to treat acne, fungal infections, dandruff or haemorrhoids.

It is anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, balsamic, diaphoretic, expectorant, fungicidal, immuno-stimulant, parasiticide, and vulnerary.

Self-care: Abscess, acne, athlete's foot, blisters, burns, cold sores, dandruff, herpes, insect bites, oily skin, rashes (nappy rash), spots, verrucae, warts, and wounds (infected).
Respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, tuberculosis, and whooping cough.
Genito-urinary system: thrush, vaginitis, cystitis, and pruritis.
Immune system: colds, fever, flu, and infectious illnesses such as chickenpox.

SAFETY: Tea tree oil is not to be taken internally. Must be kept away from children and pets. Don't use it if you're pregnant or lactating.



Ylang Ylang


Ylang Ylang is a large tree native to the far-eastern countries like Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia. Its yellow flowers are strongly fragrant and have long trailing petals. The essential oil made from it is highly favoured for its fragrance in the perfume and cosmetics industries.

Ylang-Ylang essential oil is considered one of the best at relaxing the mind and the body. Simply smelling it is supposed to help lower blood pressure.

Taking a bath with the oil or using it in a massage oil naturally enhances the relaxation experience. It is said to relieve stress, depression, shock or anxiety. When used as a hair tonic, it is supposed to balance oil production. Be warned, though, that high concentrations of ylang ylang can cause headaches or nausea.

Ylang Ylang is an aphrodisiac, antidepressant, anti-infectious, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, euphoric, hypotensive, nervine, regulator, sedative (nervous), stimulant (circulatory), and tonic.

Skin care: Acne, hair growth, hair rinse, insect bites, irritated and oily skin, and general skin care.
Circulation, muscles and joints: High blood pressure, hyperpnoea, tachycardia, and palpitations.
Nervous system: Depression, frigidity, impotence, insomnia, nervous tension, and stress-related disorders. 

SAFETY: Non-toxic, non-irritant, small chance of sensitisation. Use in moderation as can cause headaches or nausea.  


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